Friday, February 5, 2010

It is Friday again!

Thank goodness for Friday. Today is the end of the first couple of days of school it's always a good feeling to get those first few days out of the way! The kids have a teacher only afternoon - I think the teachers are going on retreat this weekend. So lunch time my tribe will come home and I can't wait...I have lunch sorted for them and then as long as hubby is back from the job we are working on then we are off to mini golf. The best part is the kids don't know this and will love it.

Had friends we haven't caught up with for ages come over last night it was so great to see them. It was just so nice to sit and chat and relax!

So a change in pace today with half a day or quiet to work in then some family fun this afternoon before one of the boys has indoor soccer tonight.

A nice finish to the week...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The last couple of days

Yesterday my best friend text me and asked how my day was going and I almost text back blah don't ask it's not great. I didn't at the point text back because my first response was I'm sorry there is no one home to return a message. Mainly as there are a couple of things in my life that are up in the air and I was having a meeting about some of it yesterday. I was a little aprehensive about this meeting and not knowing if I was going to get any answers or if I was still going to be hanging. That didn't help my mood! It was the last day of the holidays and I love having the kids around even though they drive me batty at times! So facing the whole back to school routine as well as in my mind.

Driving to my meeting I was thinking of what things I needed to bring up and just was wondering how I was going to react and what my offerings were going to be if there was big changes. Coming home I felt ok, but realising that there is going to be a shake-up and that there are quite big challenges ahead make me a little overwhelmed and nervous. But in bite sized pieces they will be managable and by taking each step one at a time and not trying to predict how things are going to be, I'm sure it'll be fine.

So last night was Iconz (modern boys brigade) family bbq to start the year. It was great at a little bay called Corsair Bay, it's a beautiful spot. The kids were swimming, they had rafts and canoes there as well. The weather was good and the water was warm...I know this cause I went in and swam - it was so good I loved being out in the ocean just floating about (no surf at this bay). A good way to end the holidays...

School went back this morning, the kids were mostly ok apart from Missy who thru a big tantrum because she wasn't going. But she went and she was fine - of course. All the kids wanted me to come to their classes, even Miss A who is in High School (although at the same school she's been since she started school at 5!) I met the teachers and enjoyed watching them catch up with friends and then I walked home. I get home and hubby is off out on a job so it's just me here, I do feel a little lost with the quiet and peacefulness of being here alone. I look around thinking where are they? And why in the holidays does lunchtime get here so quick today it's feeling like lunchtime and it's 10.30am! Todays dragging on, but on that hand comes the benefit of school - I have quite alot of paperwork and accounts done, that would have most likely taken longer had the kids been here and I would have had the interuptions. I'm looking forward to hearing about the kids day at school the first for year9,year7,year4 and year2 for them...

Monday, February 1, 2010


As I retreated into myself and my own wee world today by having my headphones in and just pottering away at the jobs of the day, like the washing, changing the sheets all the mundane horrible jobs that one has to do...I started pondering school going back this week, what jobs I have on my to do list, what things I need to get done today and for a meeting tonight.

At one point it felt totally overwhelmed at how much I have on and how much is to be done. I got the certain urge to run away somewhere quiet or retreat to my restful place and hide! But as soon as I started running through all the but todays it's only xyz I have to do, so tomorrow leaves ABC it seemed more managable but still quite daunting and I felt quite pressured with everything on my plate. The next 2 songs on my MP3 turned out to be quite timely My best friends the creator of the universe, and as I listened and sung away in my head I thought about it he created the universe and I know that I carry things lighter when I share my load....or offload to Him. The next song was Chris Tomlin, Amazing Grace and thats so true theres all this stuff in my life that not many people are aware of and this song softens my heart and helps me acknowledge where I have come from. Just hearing these 2 songs made me feel lighter and as I kept on with the tasks at hand I realised that I no longer felt that deep urge to run and it's all too much.

So today, right now I'm grateful for the opportunity to retreat into myself with my MP3 and to come out the other side lighter and better for it....and thats the end of my self focused blogging today.