Saturday, August 21, 2010


So since the deaths it has stirred my thinking again. What can I do to live life more to the fuller? To leave more legacy? To leave memories with those I leave behind and memories that are fun filled, good times, loads of happy.

I have decided to make the most of more opportunities so last night we all went swimming, got hot chips and had hot milky chocolates before finally heading to bed at 10pm. The 2 older kids had youth group and were going swimming so I decided we'd all go. Much to Mr 12s disgust, but we left him to it and the others and I hung out, swam, sat in the spa and generally had a great time for 2 hours!

Today I find out a guy I know a little bit the same age as me over a month ago had a heart attack a really bad one, he had surgery and more surgery and had a stroke. He is still in hospital learning everything again! I've been really aware of my weight and have been trying to find the will and power to loose some weight, I have lost some but flip it's hard work! The eating parts easy, the eating right parts not, and the exercise part is mostly easy getting there sometimes the actually doing is a mind over matter and mostly the mind can win!

I don't know why but this year has been really different, it's been really hard in so many ways and I'm sure I'll be able to look back and see how some good changes have come out of it! But for now it feels like I'm running a race, trying to keep one foot infront of the other without falling flat on my face!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Life and Death, Part 2.

I wish I didn't have a part 2 but yesterday my uncle died.

It's sad, I cried!! He lived a good life, he was a good man and he's at rest now. But I know this will leave a hole in our family. I think my Dad is the oldest on that side of the family now - well that I can think of. I think of his wife and his children and their children it's just not a great side of life this death hurts, it's ugly and painful.

Life changes and moves on and being here on earth is only a season, I've been reminded of that more and more in the last few years.

Anyway RIP Uncle George, only farewell till I see you again.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Life and Death

The last 2 years a couple of good guys have died.

This morning we went to the funeral of a good guy, he was 30 years old and died in an accident, his death was sudden and unexpected. A guy we knew not as a close friend but a guy we had abit to do with over the years and we valued and respected him. The initial shock of him being gone put both Shane and I into the whole what would we do and how we'd feel. Our feelings for the family of sadness and sympathy for the family and close friends. He's left behind a big hole.
I knew him with a huge smile, as a welcoming friend, and as a good bloke, a bloke who loved his wife (trust me you could see it written on his face!), loved the Lord, and had a great sense of life and fun.

Last year another guy we knew and respected died - another great guy, he wasn't that much older either. It's just been the first anniversary of his death I kept him in my mind alot this last year, the memories of the things said at his funeral about the values he lived by - I figure if I could learn something from his life it was a legacy from him. Kind of thinking how to put it here but as an encouragement to keep going when things get tough, have a smile and care, have faithfulness and determination.

You know both these guys loved God with a huge passion, both were like giant teddy bears, soft hearted with a huge softness and cheer or joy about them in different ways. The huge benefit of being a Christian in this position is knowing that I will once see them again. They are resting in Heaven and although their time was short on this earth they have achieved alot before they left - alot of people loved these guys, respected these guys and had their lives impacted because of them. If I can be half as great at showing love, friendship, their love for the Lord, smiles and laughs with people as these guys did then I have learnt and appreciated things of them and they will live on in some small way via me.

So today as I acknowledged Nello to his family and friends, I know for me I have taken a small part of the impact he has left and have another memory to add for this next coming year as a reminder of what one person can leave and the challenge of caring that small part on. As for Kerry this next year I will continue his memory onwards again and be challenged to make the most of the opportunities given, the family and friends I have.

I am sure hoping that I will have no more memories of people and challenges or encouragements to add for me to live my life by in the coming years...the reminder today by Nello's mother-in-law was to tell those that loved you and you love exactly that, learn about them, spend time with them you never know when that time might just be up. That's a great reminder - when my children came home they all got an extra long hug and told I loved them.

I think ramblings by Anita might be an appropriate title for today. I dislike funerals I cry and feel empathy but I feel if I can honour the persons memory by allowing their life to impact mine still thats a lovely legacy for me to carry for them. So to those who I love, I love you dearly I'm not so good at saying it. My family - My hubby and kids, My Mum and Dad, My brother Mark & Catherine, My extended family of aunts, uncles, cousins and all my in-law family, my great friends...I'll have to try harder to say how much I value and love you all.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I have been blogging

but I haven't been publishing some of the things in my head I had to get out and this is/was a far too public forum for me to spout off all the things in my head. Some about me, some about other things....I did however just release two of them that are some of the stuff I had going on and was feeling.

Not sure how resolved things are for me with some of the inter-personal stuff, but I'm happier than I was which is a great start. I have some direction which I'm happier with I hated the stagnent waiting that I was left with. The wanting to deal and sort and move on but was stuck in this weedy muck.....but I now think it's time to move forward, finally the mucks being cleared out and I'm pleased that can happen.

I'm leaving a whole pile of junk behind in my wake (a good head clear out and a good autumn clean/throw out). I have cleared out heaps of crap I had stored, the school fair got some of it for white elephant (it wasn't crap, lol) the clothing bins been getting the crap clothes and the good clothes I've passed around friends so it's a great feeling.

So a fresh clear start for 2010 but just started a few months late.....

My hidden blog pt 2

Well I don't know where I stand and I thought before was bad enough but now I truely have no clue about my role or anything. I just want to run far far away from it all and leave it in the distance but at the same time the idea and values behind it I love. So I am left twisting and turning inside, I'm angry, frustrated - very frustrated, sad, unhappy and wondering where to from here?

What now? How now? (Brown cow) Why? and Arghhhhhhh all come from my head!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

my hidden blog!

Well I've haven't blogged in over a month as things have been totally nuts for me. Business has been busy and juggling that with the kids and some other things I have been involved in have been consuming.

I have been waiting to see what happens with one the groups I'm involved with and it's been an interesting thing to watch unfold. I will need to make a decision in the next few weeks about our involvement for the future or more so my involvement for the future. This will come as a challenge for me as I totally support and believe in what the groups doing but I'm just not sure how I can fit with that any more and how I can work effectively so I'm considering my position. Theres so much more I could say to get it out but thats more suited for a private document.

So the last day the burdens been heavy and I guess thats why I'm here to get it all out of my head so that tonight I might sleep and not have all this stuff in my head.

Friday, February 5, 2010

It is Friday again!

Thank goodness for Friday. Today is the end of the first couple of days of school it's always a good feeling to get those first few days out of the way! The kids have a teacher only afternoon - I think the teachers are going on retreat this weekend. So lunch time my tribe will come home and I can't wait...I have lunch sorted for them and then as long as hubby is back from the job we are working on then we are off to mini golf. The best part is the kids don't know this and will love it.

Had friends we haven't caught up with for ages come over last night it was so great to see them. It was just so nice to sit and chat and relax!

So a change in pace today with half a day or quiet to work in then some family fun this afternoon before one of the boys has indoor soccer tonight.

A nice finish to the week...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The last couple of days

Yesterday my best friend text me and asked how my day was going and I almost text back blah don't ask it's not great. I didn't at the point text back because my first response was I'm sorry there is no one home to return a message. Mainly as there are a couple of things in my life that are up in the air and I was having a meeting about some of it yesterday. I was a little aprehensive about this meeting and not knowing if I was going to get any answers or if I was still going to be hanging. That didn't help my mood! It was the last day of the holidays and I love having the kids around even though they drive me batty at times! So facing the whole back to school routine as well as in my mind.

Driving to my meeting I was thinking of what things I needed to bring up and just was wondering how I was going to react and what my offerings were going to be if there was big changes. Coming home I felt ok, but realising that there is going to be a shake-up and that there are quite big challenges ahead make me a little overwhelmed and nervous. But in bite sized pieces they will be managable and by taking each step one at a time and not trying to predict how things are going to be, I'm sure it'll be fine.

So last night was Iconz (modern boys brigade) family bbq to start the year. It was great at a little bay called Corsair Bay, it's a beautiful spot. The kids were swimming, they had rafts and canoes there as well. The weather was good and the water was warm...I know this cause I went in and swam - it was so good I loved being out in the ocean just floating about (no surf at this bay). A good way to end the holidays...

School went back this morning, the kids were mostly ok apart from Missy who thru a big tantrum because she wasn't going. But she went and she was fine - of course. All the kids wanted me to come to their classes, even Miss A who is in High School (although at the same school she's been since she started school at 5!) I met the teachers and enjoyed watching them catch up with friends and then I walked home. I get home and hubby is off out on a job so it's just me here, I do feel a little lost with the quiet and peacefulness of being here alone. I look around thinking where are they? And why in the holidays does lunchtime get here so quick today it's feeling like lunchtime and it's 10.30am! Todays dragging on, but on that hand comes the benefit of school - I have quite alot of paperwork and accounts done, that would have most likely taken longer had the kids been here and I would have had the interuptions. I'm looking forward to hearing about the kids day at school the first for year9,year7,year4 and year2 for them...

Monday, February 1, 2010


As I retreated into myself and my own wee world today by having my headphones in and just pottering away at the jobs of the day, like the washing, changing the sheets all the mundane horrible jobs that one has to do...I started pondering school going back this week, what jobs I have on my to do list, what things I need to get done today and for a meeting tonight.

At one point it felt totally overwhelmed at how much I have on and how much is to be done. I got the certain urge to run away somewhere quiet or retreat to my restful place and hide! But as soon as I started running through all the but todays it's only xyz I have to do, so tomorrow leaves ABC it seemed more managable but still quite daunting and I felt quite pressured with everything on my plate. The next 2 songs on my MP3 turned out to be quite timely My best friends the creator of the universe, and as I listened and sung away in my head I thought about it he created the universe and I know that I carry things lighter when I share my load....or offload to Him. The next song was Chris Tomlin, Amazing Grace and thats so true theres all this stuff in my life that not many people are aware of and this song softens my heart and helps me acknowledge where I have come from. Just hearing these 2 songs made me feel lighter and as I kept on with the tasks at hand I realised that I no longer felt that deep urge to run and it's all too much.

So today, right now I'm grateful for the opportunity to retreat into myself with my MP3 and to come out the other side lighter and better for it....and thats the end of my self focused blogging today.

Friday, January 29, 2010


TGIF but shame it's the last Friday of the holidays!
I am so not looking forward getting back into school routine, and neither are the kids and if last years summer was anything to go by we will be having beautiful weather later February and March than we had in December/January.

So I'm off to enjoy today while it lasts...

Thursday, January 28, 2010


It's just flying by this week, I mean it's Thursday already!! I have been slowly ticking things off my list which is nice and been having more time with the kids and fact actually went out for coffee with a very good friend last night that was so long overdue!!

So the next thing is quite daunting but has to be done and that is the stationery....yuck!! So I guess I should go jump in boots and all to get it done :o( am not liking that idea much....

So it's nice to see the sun back today!! and with that off I head to collate the stationery lists.....and to write a reminder in my diary for 28th December 2010 to just bite the bullet and get online stationery packs instead of leaving it till the last minute....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Here you go a random photo I took the other night! It was great having the cloud pattern and the moon shining through, it was quite cool....although I didn't capture it's full beauty in the photo...

What to write about today?

Todays been good, we have had a clean up outside - the lawns got mowed etc...the sun is out so there is washing on the line which is a great thing! Trust me with 5 kids (hubby included :o) lol) I need some fine washing drying days each week!!

I have been getting work done as well, and have a pile of work to send away which is a good feeling - more off my list. One of the challenges I find is dealing with situations where there is conflict but more and more I am confident I can handle them and I think I am more sure of what I think - if that makes sense. Sometimes it's the hard thing to say what you think but it's becoming easier for me....I've had some real challenges in this area in the last 6 months.

It's been a hard summer break with working so much while the kids are on holiday....that makes me divided I have so much work to do and yet I want to be able to have fun and chill with the kids. I'm so lucky we have had some great friends who have had the kids and Mum/Dad who have as well! And the kids themself are so good - they are great infact! But still mothers guilt sucks....roll on some fun times this week....going to see Fantastic Mr Fox (thanks to Mum/Dad for flybuys tickets!) and then to Caddyshack Mini golf (family pass was a christmas gift!) am off to do some more work we have a heap of CDs to get done this week and I am only half way through printing the graphics for has been one of my rambling days blogging!.....I hope you all enjoy your day!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My spot......where I sit, think and watch!

I have this spot that has a special place in my heart, not many people know I love this place. Taylors mistake is such a great spot, not far away but yet you can walk around and sit on the rocks and feel totally alone looking at the happenings in the water and on the beach. Walking the track you can find some amazing spots to sit and enjoy the scenery out to sea. It's my quiet place, the place I don't get to go to often but when I do I so enjoy it!

With having the kids it's hard to have that time out but this weekend I had a chance so I grabbed it!

It is just so refreshing, there is something about the smell look and sound of the ocean slapping the rocks, the sea roaring up then slipping back down the beach a seconds silence and again it repeats. There is nothing like it - the beauty of the ocean! With every changing sky it's never the same as the time before.

And just when you were thinking I was isolated at some remote spot, I was sitting along the side of the bay on the rocks out by myself enjoying the peace but watching the surf lifesavers in their speedos row out and in, run up the beach...the dogs with their slaves throwing sticks to them...the kids playing in the waves and the many faces of people walk down the beach enjoying this special place....

Saturday, January 23, 2010

So after deleting my old blog, this new chapter starts here:

So I guess from day to day what I write depends how I feel:
Today I feel totally amazed by God's provision - I realise I shouldn't be so surprised by this as God as been talking to me about his provision since mid last year. So here's the story of why I'm amazed at His provision today:

On Thursday our tenants finally told us they were moving out, I had been asked for an answer if they were staying or going for a few weeks. This leaves us 2 weeks before they leave. We put the advert up on Thursday and within the first 24hours had 4 enquiries and 100 views of the advert. We held an open day today and we had 3 interested parties, of which 2 wanted to proceed and sign up today. One offered extra $$ but was short term and the other was long term. We went back and offered it to the long term person and they have accepted. So long as they don't change their mind before tomorrow evening or Monday when we sign the papers this was the quickiest and easiest tenant finding we have ever had. There was a fair bit of stress as a few weeks with no tenants was looking daunting financially with school going back, Christmas costs etc but God's provision of tenants was amazing.

We have been talking about selling the property to take financial stress from us and still we will do that at some point. We had a real estate agent come through today and another to come next week and we'll see what that brings. We have contacted the bank and the accountant to check out what amount we'd need but at this stage till spring we will hold onto the property.

Life has been really tough financially for a few months, the fridge and freezer don't look healthy and at times we have made do with whatever random offerings are in the cupboards but you know we have been hugely blessed by little things: The gift of fruit, looking after a friends cat and having access to their strawberry patch!, family being away and being able to get a lettuce from their garden, bread and honeypuffs left over from a camp.....each little thing reminds me of God's promise he made when sitting in church one Sunday and God starts talking about relying on him, about trusting Him and trusting for His provision. I didn't really understand why then we hit a hurdle but we came through ok, I was thinking we are ok that was strange and we hit a bigger hurdle.....but we made it through.

We are better now than we were last year yet it doesn't feel any different as there's still no breathing's week to week, month to month having enough money to cope and pay the bills but having to transfer money to this account then to this account is tiring. In a year or two we should be past this point I would hope....but it all comes down to I need some more work. Now it's looking like a contract job I had will not continue which just gave us that little bit more towards debt. So I go on just trusting on God, His provisions and keep one foot infront of the the hope and belief we are getting somewhere....even if it is just another year older!